11 February 2009

Just a bit of fun.

God, I love the internet. All you fascinating people out there!

Razi's done an illustration for a class. I've yet to see it, but I understand it's the view from astride a unicorn/pegasus (pegacorn/unasus), flying high over a sad city of frowning buildings. She needed some bit of copy for it and asked for my assistance.

From the beaches of Bermuda to the heights of Himalaya, never with such candor was a beauty more grander than the blessing of a gander from astride the beautiful Pegacorn. Golden mane a-frolic in the friscalating dusk-light; an ambrosia, hairy and extraordinary. A hundred hands below, the sad city weeps in woe, hailing hymnals to the heavens to hearken their hearts' burning for which they've been yearning. And so full of love and of splendor is our Unasus so tender, as under the gracious beat of his wings the loneliest skyscraper sings and sparked is the fire of the polis desire. Sharing his joy and his light with a majestic and magickal might, a whinny doth peal in flight, "I'm the Sky-Stallion, y'all, and to all a goodnight."

In terms of progress, I'll be blunt and say that I've made none. No excuses, really. Just unwinding a bit from the business of these past weeks.

Pretty nervous about this reception thing, though. I hope it's not a total bust. Whatever that means.

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