01 January 2009

America's most.

In effort to be marginally more positive (god forbid I lose that cynicism you all and my mom are always so eager to point out), I've decided a brief retrospect is in order. Also, everyone else is doing them, and I've never.

In the past year, I am proud to say that I: Surrounded myself with only those who I actually wanted to, and thoroughly enjoyed their company and caring. Maintained (mostly) healthy relationships with those I most adore. Survived on my own in the city, despite being po' folk. Really wasn't too bothered by being po' folk. Worked numerous successful commissioned projects, nearing a consistent flow of gigs. Held true to Straight (fucking) Edge and veganism. Further honed my fixed riding skills. Sort of kept my website up to date. Maintained this blog with reasonable diligence. Mustered the nerve to quit school. Admitted that working shit jobs and doing art is a silly alternative to the slightly more taxing approach of attending school and doing art. Kept myself relatively level (with major credit due to a special few). Thought long and hard. Dealt with my first loss of a legitimately loved family member. Maintained positive relationships with my brother, mom, dad, and dad's wife. Admitted I was wrong (once or twice, at least..). Listened to lots of great music. Saw lots of great movies. Read lots of great comics. Read a couple good books. Hatched more new schemes for my art than I can readily remember (for better or worse). Got some sleep. Held three jobs for more than a week. Held one job for more than a month. Missed people worth missing, and significantly decreased the time and effort spent missing those not worth missing. Shaved and maintained a handlebar mustache. Shaved and maintained a regular mustache. Made some silly list of things I'm proud of.

I'm sure I'd be able to think of more, but this ought to be plenty.

Here's to what's coming.

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