02 December 2008

Will come.

Not sure when I'm going to be able to get my head around this being busy thing. It's weird getting to the point where I actually have multiple commissions to work on simultaneously.

That said, the bass is done, and should be built up as soon as the polyurethane coats are completely dry. Working on commissioned illustrations and a MySpace. I should have something to show for them before too long.

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Spray Graphic, but it's an online art community in which I am minimally participant. Nothing huge, but there are some pretty great artists on there. Anyway, I've been notified that one of my pieces (they didn't say which one..) has been chosen as their "Pick of the Day" for December third. So head on over to Sprayblog.net (the Spray Graphic blog) on Wednesday to check it out, yeah?

I'm also in talks about having some stuff displayed at a hip and trendy "vintage" clothing retailer on the Hill in the coming months. If something comes of it, I'll be sure to let you know. If not, I'll likely never mention it again, hoping you'll forget I brought it up in the first place.

I've discovered that the proper bottom bracket for my current setup is, quite literally, nonexistent. If you don't believe me, try to find an Italian (70mm) threaded, 103mm, JIS taper sealed cartridge. Anywhere. I challenge you. So the obvious next step is to ditch the Italian threads and get a nice, British-threaded frame. Dream bike would of course be a pearly lavender 3Rensho. There's one on eBay that just so happens to be my size, it's just a damned shame I don't have $700 to take advantage of such a rare listing. Get it for me..?

Here're a couple of shirt designs. First is the shirt design Josh ended up approving over the one I posted a while back (thanks, Matt). Second is my contribution to the new Feature & Function line.


  1. I was going to try and form some elaborate story about a gecko in response to this, but instead I saw a three person tandem riding up pike with a mother and two 5-6ish year old children during rush hour, and couldn't help but tell you how fucking ridiculous it looked.
    Josh will look Haute!


  2. Haute Cates > Hot Cakes!

    –Sigourney again
